The website for the next Metallurgy & More CONFERENCE 2025 will be updated soon!

Thank you for expressing interest in attending the Metallurgy & More Conference 2023.

ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH   Otto-von-Guericke Platz 1  |  63457 Hanau, Germany | +49 6181 307 0 


Thank you very much for your participation and contribution to the ALD conference Metallurgy & More 2023, held in our premises in Hanau, Germany. It was a great honor for us to welcome about 120 experts from 14 countries to this event in order to discuss, exchange and network on established systems and technologies as well as new trends and developments in vacuum metallurgy and related business areas. 


We are very pleased by and proud of the positive feedback we received from many attendees and the nice posts in social networks. We are looking forward to staying connected and to work with you in future projects.


With kind regards your ALD Vacuum Technologies Conference Team


This conference is focused on operational aspects, new developments and improvements of premium melting, re-melting, casting, atomization techniques, additive manufacturing and industrial digital solutions. New technologies and solutions will also be discussed in response to global trends. 


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